Advertising Campaign for About-Face

This was an assignment that I completed for my Writing for Advertising course. We had to choose a non-profit organization that we felt passionate about and create a series of three striking print ads. About-Face is a non-profit organization that educates young girls and women about the issues of body image within our society. They particularly focus on how the media manipulates the minds of young women and girls to look a specific way. They encourage women and young girls to lead full lives without worrying about their appearance or body image
I chose this organization because I've grown up with numerous of my girl friends having body image issues and eating disorders and I think that it's so important to recognize the significance that the media has on young women in our society today. 95% of girls want to lose weight and teenage girls who read articles about dieting are 5 times more likely to take extreme weight loss measures. Body image and eating disturbances contribute to higher levels of depression in adolescent girls than any other time period before.
 This assignment is dedicated to all young women and girls who aren't happy with the way they look, we're all beautiful!
(The background images are borrowed from google since this is a rough sketch)


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